My Favorite Modern Day Lindy Competition Clip

Oct 25, 2019

My favorite lindy hop competition final of the modern era?

Behold, Jazz Jam 2006 in Stockholm, Sweden.*

This clip is so incredible, though I would guess many haven’t seen it.

(Full Disclosure: I had a hand in organizing this event and was its emcee)

Beyond the absurdly high level of dancing, there are some notable elements separating this event from others.

Connection to History

This was one of the few high level competitions that would be danced in front of Frankie Manning and Norma Miller. In fact, Frankie presented the winner-take-all prize of 6500 SEK (approx $1000 USD) to the winners, Daniel & Åsa Heedman.

Side Note: Vincenzo Fesi told me afterward that it was his dream to do Frankie’s iconic move, “The Snatch” in front of Frankie.

Clash of the Titans

This competition featured, for the first time (and I believe, only time), the three major partnerships within the Harlem Hot Shots (Sakarias & Frida, Mattias & Hanna, Daniel & Åsa) facing off against one another. Add the spectacular duo of Vincenzo & Isabella as well as up-and-comers Rikard & Rebecka and you’ve got yourself one incredible battle.

Winner Take All!

As noted above, this was a winner take all battle!

This was, at the time, a rather novel idea. There would be no placements other than first. No prizes of any kind for the finalists. This was event producer, Mohan Pakkurti’s bold idea.

The judges were not given score sheets. They were simply asked to come to a uniform agreement as to who was the winner.**


Granted, this final was not danced to live music. However, the music was Count Basie’s “Back to the Apple” which swings incredibly hard. I’ve heard plenty of lindy hop finals with live music that doesn’t come anywhere close to the energy here.


There are plenty of competitions that have more views or that continue in popularity. Jazz Jam would even continue on for a few more years but everyone could only compare it to the first one in 2006.

Jazz Jam 2006 has a unique place. The past and present combined for a truly magical event. For all of these elements, it makes it my favorite lindy hop competition final.


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