Swing It Seattle Code of Conduct

Swing It Seattle’s primary focus is the sharing of traditional jazz dance forms. Through our varied programming and platforms, we connect our community to the history and culture in which these dances developed. Our capacity to share these traditions require a social space and learning environment that is both welcoming and respectful. 

Building a Welcoming Culture

All are welcome at Swing It Seattle regardless of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender/gender identity, disability, or religion.

Swing It Seattle programming is designed for adults.  Classes are 18+ and evening events are 21+.  With this in mind, we expect everyone to behave respectfully.  We encourage you, when it is safe to do so, to state your own boundaries.  If someone is not respecting these expectations, please speak up.  For our community to be safe and fun, everyone needs to be an active participant.  Your responsiveness can help keep incidents from being repeated.

The hope is that we can learn from each other.  If someone takes issue with your behavior, take a breath and listen.  We hope that all parties involved can, when appropriate, offer one another some grace.

Participation at Swing It Seattle programming acknowledges your agreement to the following Code of Conduct


Harassment of any kind will not be tolerated.  Harassment includes (but is not exclusive to) the following:

  • Unwelcome attention, sexual or otherwise

  • Intentional, inappropriate physical contact

  • Racist, misogynist, homophobic, transphobic, or ableist language

  • Any attempts at coercion

  • Physical threats of any kind

Participants asked to stop harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately.  We reserve the right to ask anyone engaging in harassment to leave without a refund.

Response Protocols

Should you have a harassment-related concern, please contact Katie or Mark Kihara in-person or via email.  Discussions will be kept private.  We recognize that the severity of concerns can vary widely.  If you’re not sure if it’s worth bringing up, we encourage you to do so anyway. Your courage to speak up can help keep such incidents from repeating in the future.

If you bring an issue to us, you can expect the following:

  • An initial, private conversation away from the dance floor or via email/phone.

  • Privacy protected for all involved unless an individual is in immediate danger

  • Expect a discussion around potential solutions including how you’d like it to be handled.  Unless we deem it otherwise necessary, the potential actions below will require the approval of the complainant:

    • Watched but not approached (we’ll keep an eye on them)

    • A private conversation directly addressing their behavior

    • Asked to Leave

    • Permanently Banned

    • Reported to the Police


We will always take action when it comes to harassment happening at Swing It Seattle programming or venues.  However, we cannot be involved with interpersonal issues or interactions outside of Swing It Seattle programming. 

Social Dance Etiquette

  • We encourage you to invite others to dance. 

  • Invite, accept or decline invitations as you like. You are under no obligation to accept any dance invitation. 

  • If you ask someone to dance and they decline, accept their response and move on.

  • Clarify what role(s) you’d like to dance with each partner.

  • Be vocal if you have any kind of considerations before dancing with someone.  For instance, if you have a physical ailment, let your partner know.

  • No unsolicited feedback on the dance floor.  However, if your partner is causing you injury, we encourage you to speak up immediately.

  • Consider showing your appreciation for the band by clapping after each song.

  • Be considerate in regards to your personal hygiene.  Consider changing sweaty clothing/toweling off and limiting strong scents/perfumes.

  • Be aware of your surroundings. If you bump into someone on the dance floor, please acknowledge this and confirm they are ok.

  • Shoes are required.

  • No airsteps outside of jam circle environments.

Class Etiquette

  • No unsolicited feedback on the dance floor.  However, if your partner is causing you injury, we encourage you to speak up immediately.

  • Raise your hand if you need assistance or individual feedback from the instructor.

  • Step out of the rotation (water/restroom/take a break/etc) whenever needed.

Updated June 15, 2023