Queer Lindy 1 - THU 4/25-5/30*


Queer Lindy 1
Thursdays 4/25-5/30
*no class 5/9
Russian Community Center

Taught by Adam Brozowski & Bradley Barrios in partnership with Queer Swing Seattle

Queer Lindy 1 Russian Community Center 704 19th Ave E., Seattle

Description: Develop basic dance skills you need to become an awesome social partner dancer. Even better, you will learn in an ELEF class giving you the superpower to lead and follow from day one!

*What is ELEF, and why learn this way?

Partner dance is steeped in gender roles and power dynamics; ELEF stands for "Everybody Leads, Everybody Follows." This means you will learn to both Lead and Follow Lindy Hop staring from day one of your new dance life! Aside from giving you a partner dance superpower, and being a ton of fun, we believe this way of learning to dance helps break down these archaic power dynamics making way for a new collaborative modern dance partnership where both partners ultimately understand how to listen AND respond through the language of the music. Intrigued?! Join us!!

What to expect in Queer Swing It Seattle Dance Classes

In Queer Swing It Seattle classes, we make every effort to create a Queer positive space. This is reflected in our safety policies, sharing and respecting pronouns, empowering queerness through visibility with teacher selection and uplifting our unique identities and voices from day one. You don't have to identify in the LGBTQAI+ spectrum to take a Queer Swing class, but you must be enthusiastic about learning and participating in a very Queer positive space.

Pre-req: None

Optional activities included with your registration:

5/9 5:55 - 6:15 MIDSEASON RECAP BONUS CLASS - Missed a class? Need some extra coaching? Our this extra review session to get caught up

5/29 8:15 - 10:15 LINDY 1 GRADUATION PARTY - Put your new dance skills to work at our weekly evening party, Swing It Wednesday!

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